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An Important Update for Our Members

07/15/2020 12:17 PM | Anonymous member

To Our Members:

First, let us say thank you for being patient with us as we navigate the uncharted waters of hosting live events during COVID-19.  We have greatly missed seeing everyone in person, and have been working diligently over the last few months to figure out a way to continue to support this community as best we can given the circumstances. 

You have probably already heard that NBAA made the difficult decision to cancel their BACE convention this month.  While certainly not nearly as big of an event, we too have found it difficult to secure event space and vendors for our Safety Showdown during such a fluid situation in our community.  With that in mind, we have decided to pivot and focus our efforts on providing the same great safety-related content to our membership in a virtual setting.  We are still working out the details of what that will look like, but we still intend to continue our efforts of sharing information and best practices in our community as best we can.  We are currently working on what we have coined as the 2020 Safety Showdown Speaker Series which will allow members to access the same great presentations they are used to at our event in a virtual setting on a regular interval instead of sitting in front of a computer for two days straight like we typically do in person.  We would love to hear your thoughts on this!

We understand that the in-person networking aspect of our organization is a great opportunity to network and create relationships, and we hope the  remaining luncheons we have on the calendar at Cowboys Golf Club will proceed as planned.  We will also be planning more in-person meet and greets as soon as we can reasonably assure we will not lose our deposit money due to cancellations during these uncertain times.  If you have other ideas of ways we can best support you as a member, please let us know—we are all ears!

Again, thank you for being patient with us as we navigate through this time.  As always, we are here to help this community in any way we can, so we hope you will reach out to us if there is any way we can assist you during this time.


All the best, 


Your NTBAA Executive Board

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